I've noticed other people doing monthly reviews in their blogs, so I thought that might be good for me to do too. At least that would make me write something once a month! We'll see how it goes.
I can't believe how quickly March has flown by, and it's really been a wonderfully mild month, especially in terms of the weather. All of our trees are blossoming, and I can see the little beginnings of my lilies and hostas. Hopefully this mild end of winter does not mean we'll have a scorching summer. But I intend to enjoy the nice weather as long as it lasts.
We signed Jack up for baseball for the first time this year, and his practices started last week. Even though I think 3 baseball practices/games a week is a little much for five-year-olds, I hope he enjoys it and that it doesn't overtake our entire lives. He usually excited about his practices, even though he spends most of the time playing in the dirt. I don't mind that so much as long as he's not putting dirt on other kids' heads (like he did last practice)! But when he's paying attention, he can actually hit, throw, and catch the ball. So we'll see how the season goes and if he wants to do it again next year.
Most of our month was pretty normal and close to home. February was busy, and April and May will be also, so I guess it's good that we got a break in there. Opening Day and Easter are coming up next week, so let the craziness begin!
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